After we are born, the moment we become aware of our cosmic impotence, we struggle with the Pain Of Godlessness. More this than anything else, the Pain of Mortal Being and the Fear Of Eternal Being is a function of our inability to develop an intimate relationship with our Creator God. Only from the God Of Our Creation can we find relief from the anxiety of being and receive freedom from the Pain Of Mortal Being. Only from the God Of Our Creation can the human soul be healthy, happy, and comforted on the mortal planet we call Earth. Only from our Creator God can our eternal soul be free from the Fear Of Eternal Being.
Most people understand this emotionally if not intellectually. It is the reason for religion and why religion permeates every human culture. Nevertheless, for many of God's human creations, this analgesic prescription for the Pain Of Mortal Being and the unhappiness that attends it seem blatantly unfair. For this very large comunity of human souls, God is elusive. He eludes. He hides. He ignores. He is incomprehensible. It is for these reasons that so many humans never resolve or survive their spiritual crisis. In concert they silently scream the same repressed question: "How can I know and have an intimate relationship with a God who ignores me?!!"
The prescription for relief from the Pain Of Mortal Being isn't as unavailable as this community of pain believes. It is readily available to every one of God's human creations. To receive it, we must first realilze that freedom from the Pain Of Mortal Being isn't found only in the description of what we must do; it is found in the description of how we must do it. The Happiness Commandments provide us with behavioral parameters that help us cultivate spiritual intimacy with God.
The Happiness Commandments provide a clear path to rewards and gifts of a happiness producing covenant between God and civilized man. This new covenant gives us freedom from the corrupting grip of the Pain Of Mortal Being and the Fear of Eternal Being. These new covenant commandments extricate us from the pain, anger, fear, ambiguity, uncertainity, and non-belief that estrangement from God reeks upon us. With them we are guided to a defining spiritual and behavioral lifestyle that prepares us for eternity and for which Creation rewards us in the here and now with rewards and gifts that give bring us the happiness on Earth we covet.
One obstacle to our happiness is the belief that we can have freedom from the Pain Of Moral Being simply by not violating the Happiness Commandments. But before we can receive the rewards and gifts of this new covenant, we first must have a Resolution Of Being. We must reconcile our perceptions of who we are with behaviors that are congruent with Creation's expectations for our lives. Then we must live a life where our habits and monumental actions do not contradict our reconciliation.
The Happiness Commandments empower us to define these behaviors and achieve a true Resolution Of Being when we employ them. A true Resolution Of Being brings us to an intimate relationship with Creation, frees us from the Pain Of Mortal Being, and enable us to receive, without impediments, the happiness and joy of mortal being Creation allows us when we do not otherwise trespass on His will for our lives.
A formidable obstacle to a Resolution Of Being and an intimate relationship with Creation and Creation's Covenant gifts is our failure to make peace with Him. Many of us are "angry with God". We are angry with God for many told and untold reasons, We are disappointed with God for the suffering humankind endures. We rail a God because He allows the rape and murder of innocent women and children in the time of peace and war. We rebuff Him when we see too much of it.
We chastise God then ask for His forgiveness and mercy when we give birth to a severely handicapped child. We hate Him when it happens twice.
We disdain God for creating a world where the threat of danger and physical harm is ever resent. We desire a world without pain and turmoil and God's apparent inability or unwillingness to give it to us even more angry with God. Eventually we ignore God to assuage the pain and fear our anger makes us feel.