The Ten Commandments is a quintessential code for civilized human behavior. There are others, of course, but the Ten Commandments is considered by many to be the standard bearer for western civilization morality. If the entire civilized world lived by the standards of the Ten commandments the social and political pestilence that infests planet Earth would be severely diminished.
If most members of western civilization lived our lives by the verses commanding us not to kill, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness against our neighbor, nor covet our neighbors house, wife manservant, maidservant, ox, ass, or anything that is our neighbors, western civilization would be a much better place, a happier place.
Nevertheless, individually and ideological groups persists in violating the standards of the Ten Commandments while insisting that everyone else should obey them.
This hypocritical behavior cannot be pleasing to Creation. Creation may be pleased by lives that are guided by the Ten Commandments. However, evidence suggests that modeling human lives after the five commandments cited above and the five preceding them in the Biblical Book Of Exodus does not exhaust the moral standards necessary for individual happiness and for human survival.
If we want freedom from the Pain Of Mortal Being, we must embrace a greater morality. We must embrace the moral standards of the other things Creation requires of humans. Neither the Ten Commandments nor the prolific enactment and policing of criminal law and civil law will guide us to behavior that provide intimacy with Creation. But it is only through securing intimacy with Creation that we find release from the pain and fear of mortal being.
The Happiness Moralities is a covenant promise between Creation and the family of humankind. They establish parameters for a morality Creation demands if we want to experience happiness while we exist in human form.
The Happiness Moralities nurture a lifestyle of personal, social, and spiritual behaviors through which we share spiritual intimacy with Creation and have freedom from the Pain of Mortal Being and the Fear Of Eternal Being.
Behaviors fostered by the Happiness Moralities are not present in our lives when our lives contradict the reasons for human existence. The absence of these behaviors and the attendant absence of an intimate relationship with Creation makes the Pain Of Mortal Being a constant companion. Its symptoms are persistent feelings of anxiety, emptiness, and unhappiness even when we are rich or otherwise feel accomplished and successful.
The presence of happiness producing behaviors guide the human soul to a comforting relationship with Creation and enable us to know the joy of being human and the serenity of genuine happiness that comes with a real sense of well being even in a world of random threats to our mortal security.
The Happiness Moralities nurture a morality that promotes the evolution of spirituality and behaviors for which Creation rewards us. A lifestyle base on the Happiness Moralities extricate us from the Pain Of Mortal Being and from their consorts in pain; the pains of ambiguity, fear, anger, rage, hopelessness, surrender, uncertainty, pointlessness, chaos, and loneliness.
By the power of the Happiness Moralities covenant we are guided to a life grounded in a morality that cultivates spiritual intimacy with Creation and give us freedom from pain of being mortal and the fear of being eternal.