A general religious axiom is that humans were created with the gift of free will. But we live on an imperfect planet in an imperfect world. Exercising free will in an imperfect world means we will make mistakes. It means unpleasant things can and will happen to us. They happen to us for many reasons. Sometimes we make poor decisions and poor choices that affect us for the rest of our lives. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations over which we have no control.
Men have built communities at the foot of active volcanoes. They have built towns and cities in valleys near rivers that sometimes overflow their banks and bring devastating floods. We build cities over major geological faults and along every seashore on every coast. We build communities on the side of mountains and denude them of vegetation, making them vulnerable to extreme weather. We settle communities, towns, and nations on islands large and small in the middle of the ocean.
When the Living Planet Earth experience change as all living things do, we sometimes find ourselves in the way of her spurts of growth, revitalization, and decay. Moreover, when through foolishness, ignorance, or random happenstance our bodies go head to head against Newtonian laws of physics, we suffer.
No mother ever desired, started, or prolonged a war in order to provide an arena for her sons and daughters to play soldier or become casualties of war. No citizen ever demanded to be exiled, beaten, imprisoned, tortured, or killed for speaking out against the cruelties of the state. No man, woman, or child ever asked to be abused by either strangers or family.
Sometimes, because we trust people to do the right things, we find ourselves in situations over which we have no physical control. Conglomerate build poorly constructed and/or poorly managed nuclear plants in or near our communities, and we find it impossible to leave.
Creation's gifts to God's intimates will not enable us to avoid the cruel environs of an imperfect planet. Creation's gifts to those who try to live the life for which we are created isn't that life will always be good and risk free. Creation's gifts to God's intimates is the fortifying strength of God's Existence. Creation's gifts will help us exercise free will and live on this imperfect planet with a better quality of life than we would have if we try to do it without being an intimate of God.
Those of us who share an intimate relationship with our creator are the beneficiaries of a superior form of the life energies Creations gives to all of God's creations who accede to the purpose of our creation. When spiritual intimacy and communion with your creator is an important part of your life, the quality of your life and your ability to enjoy it, wherever you are in it, are made better--much better.
It is important to acknowledge that every person who claims God does not share an intimate relationship with God. Certain imperatives for intimacy must be present in our lives if we are to have a special relationship with God god must be revered. We must acknowledge God with dignity, honor, and respect for all of God's creation before when can even begin to build a close intimate relationship with God and enjoy the rewards and benefits of that relationship.
If you feel you don't have the relationship with God you desire and would like to improve your relationship with God, be assured that you can have it. The Happiness Moralities will help you nurture the development of a spiritual and behavioral lifestyle that grant your desires.